Dynablocks became known as ROBLOX — an acronym for the words “Robot” and “Blocks” (Robot = Ro and Blocks = Blox. He preferred to add the x) — in 2005. The website for the massively multiplayer online game was officially launched on February 27, 2006 for young gamers.
Jul 20th, 2015
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Roblox Suicide Script. Not a member of Pastebin yet? Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features! Using our Roblox Hack Tool you will be able to add more Robux and Tix! The great part is that you don't need to download anything and all you have to do is very simple. Open our site, enter your Username, select amount of resources then click on the generate bu.
- --Use in Roblox
- --There is no need to change anything. Just run as local.
- plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- hed = plrchar.Torso
- sheit = Instance.new('Sound')
- sheit.SoundId ='rbxassetid://226911304'
- mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(k)
- sond = Instance.new('Sound')
- sond.SoundId ='rbxassetid://178092307'
- screm.Parent = hed
- screm2 = Instance.new('Sound')
- screm2.SoundId ='rbxassetid://165315045'
- game:service'Chat':Chat(plr.Character.Head,'I...can`t...take this... anymore...',Enum.ChatColor.Red)
- screm:Play()
- game:service'Chat':Chat(plr.Character.Head,'AHHHH!',Enum.ChatColor.Red)
- plrchar:BreakJoints()
- sheit:Play()
- end
- print('Press z to take your own life!')